Date de publication : 03-10-2017
From the ancient times, the conceptual exploration of space by people have been conducted through understanding of all natural objects filling the space, as well as the phenomena and events associated with a particular landscape. A comprehensive study of the ontology of the landscape and its representation in the consciousness and culture will be held in the light of technological advances, namely with the use of GIS technology, remote sensing and satellite imagery of the landscape.
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Re : Land Ontology: Semantics, Semiotics, and Geographic Modeling
The study of semantics and semiotics of the landscape nomination on the material of indigenous languages of North-East of Russia (Yakutia, in particular) provides an opportunity to compare different ideas about the natural world, to reveal the trends in vision, representation and use of the surrounding landscape.
Re : Land Ontology: Semantics, Semiotics, and Geographic Modeling
For Yakoutes, Tengri God, guarantee political order, social order, and cosmic order. This belief, in the centre of their conception, influences their geointerpretation of landscapes. Is this "centre" explicit or implicit in the environmental vocabulary of Yakoutes?